3rd Trimester

Any idea how much step parent adoptions cost?

My husband wants to adopt my son.  My son brought this up several months ago, but we havent gotten around to looking into it.  However, we are now pressed for time to do so (long story), plus we would like it done before our additional baby comes in June.

 I spoke with a lawyer and he said 4,000.  Sad because we're in the process of moving and trying to prepare for baby. We've also had a lot of other financial surprises recently.  If you have been through a similar situation or know someone who has, how much was it?

Also, my sons father died during my pregnancy... could we just randomly make my husband his "legal" guardian and have him put on the certificate as his father? The hospital wouldnt allow me to put a father down since he was deceased and couldnt sign for himself. (My sons 9 if that matters and we reside in PA) 

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