3rd Trimester

Feeling like a failure

Ok so FTR I've really wanted to do this thing without interventions, but Gestational Diabetes is not on my side. I was told that I'm 80 percent effaced and that's it no dialation, negative 3 station or more on Monday. I'm scheduled now for an induction on Sunday and will be almost 40w. He wanted to do it tomorrow and I balked. Anyhow, I've tried drinking red raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on the ball, swinging my mom read that somewhere so I thought what the heck, nipple stimulation, walking, a foot massage with acupressure, and squatting. Not a thing. I feel like such a failure because everyone just keeps asking if I'm having contractions yet, if I've felt her drop, etc. I feel like as a woman my body should do this naturally and like people are looking at me like I'm abnormal. I just broke down and started crying because I really didn't want an induction and I don't like feeling like a sideshow. Thanks for letting me vent.
ETA corrected some things mobile screwed up.
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