3rd Trimester

People without filters

So I recently wrote a post in BF and it made me think... What is the best, worst thing someone has said to you while being pregnant? You know, its the statements/questions that you look back at the person who said it to you and are just so amazed that it came out of their mouth that you don't know what to say?

My personal favorites are: 

"Wow, still pregnant, huh?" - After I heard this multiple times I started saying, "Yeah, last I knew it took 40 weeks/9 months."

"Why on earth are you planning on BF?? Don't you know it will hurt AND you have to go out in public at some point and you can't just whip your boob out!"  -These types of people don't care why your BF, you could list all the benefits until your blue in the face and they still won't get it. So I simply say "It's my plan, and I have my reasons." Or I change the subject.

"How are you feeling? Oh your tired/achy? Well you better get used to that!" -I started saying I was feeling great whether or not I was. Because clearly pregnant women are morons and we have no idea that NB don't sleep through the night.


Well those are mine! I am curious to hear what others have said to you and how you responded!

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