3rd Trimester

Failed Induction, 41 1/2 weeks pregnant, Large Baby

Being a FTM I am realizing advocating for yourself is huge instead of just going by what the Dr. recommends.  So, seeking a bit of advice from others as well.  I just got home from a failed induction at 41 weeks.  My Dr. wanted to induce at 41 weeks instead of waiting any longer.  Long story short.  I went in and on no dialation, no effacement, and the baby in a -3 position started on Cervidal the night before and then went through an entire day on Pitocin.  When my husband and I first arrived to the hospital we really got caught up in the excitement of everything.  I had intended to make sure I was dialated, at least a little, etc...before starting but when they hooked me up to the monitor and it was showing my contractions, normal contractions, 3 minutes apart I lost all focus on everything else.  All I wanted to do was go into labor.  So, after the entire day of no change and very hard contractions the dr. did an ultrasound.  Baby is doing great but is facing the right and estimating over 9 pounds.  My question...  Dr. recomends coming back in tomorrow night to 'try again'.  I just don't think that trying again will help if the baby is still not engaged, in position, and I am showing no signs of cervix dialation, etc...  But, I do realize that 42 weeks is coming up fast.  My initial thought is go in, have them check, if there is still no change then look at a C-Section (something I have been very against but honestly going through another 24 hours of failed attempts to labor naturally, not sure if I can handle that).  How bad is an ultrasound at this stage on a baby?  Would it be weird to ask to have an ultrasound to see if the baby is facing correctly before going through another induction?  I am just at a loss and very exhausted.  I had a friend also suggest having a Dr. re-position her by going inside and manipulating things, is that something someone has tried?  Sounds awfully painful.  I am small.  4'11 and have a basketball for a stomach, literally.  I honestly feel like I have no room for the baby to re-position and engage fully.  Anyways, any advice for my rambling on would be welcomed.  Being a FTM is difficult.  


Oh, P.S.   I took the Bradley Method Classes.  And have loved spinning babies website.  Exercise, birthing ball, pelvic rocks, never being on my back, left side, sitting straight with belly always facing straight or a little towards the ground, lunges, squats, kegal exercises have been a part of my daily routine since week 20.  All have been wonderful for back pain, etc.. but not finding it proving much help in actually positioning her or helping with labor at all.  Unfortunately.  

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