Food & Nutrition

Fat in baby's diet

First time on this board. :)

I've heard conflicting recommendations about fat in a baby's diet. Most authorities seem to say babies need higher fat and lower fiber diets than adults. But I've also read nutritionists and pedis who say that isn't true. With the conflicting advice, I'm not sure if DS's diet is high enough in fat or calories.

DS loves his food. He eats 3 meals a day plus 1-2 snacks and he also nurses. He doesn't appear to have any intolerances and we are trying for a traditional whole food style diet. He eats lots of veggies and fruit, grains, quinoa, legumes, eggs, meat. Not much dairy apart from yogurt and breastmilk.

So my question is, it seems like his diet is fairly high in protein and fiber. But is this high enough in fat? If not, how do you recommend adding healthy fat?
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