3rd Trimester

Contractions after internal--normal?

So, STM here, and last week I had a lot of contractions on Monday morning (only to be told some weren't) and then they faded. I'm 37 wks tomorrow.

Today I had my 2nd internal exam and talked more to my doc, who gave me more clarification (tightness + period type cramping below) and timing guidelines (go with the regularity aspect).  

Afterwards I went shopping with DD#1 and she was running all over the place and I've only been home about 45 minutes and she's kept me from sitting for very long (drinks, spilled drinks, snacks, etc.) and now I can finally sit, but pretty much within 20 minutes of the exam, I started having what feel like fairly regular (not hugely intense but certainly obvious and fitting the definition of) contractions.

I'm trying to just relax (although DD is being quite the pest with wanting something and then it's not what she wanted and not letting me sit for more than five minutes at a stretch) and hoping they go away, but has anyone else experienced an increase in contractions after an internal?  (I've heard of bleeding but not contractions.)  

Or should I just blame being too active for a bit?  

I'm recording the contractions either way, just in case. 

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