3rd Trimester

Heartburn + bad food cravings


I'm not all that hungry most of the time but all I do want to eat is crap.  Ice cream mostly, or brownies with milk.  I think a lot of it is the continued heartburn...when I take a TUMS my mouth gets a nasty taste so I really avoid taking it except in the middle of the night when I'm desperate but during the day I just want to eat creamy stuff...

...and not even good for me creamy stuff (like yogurt or something) because cottage cheese is not appealing to me (and I normally like it but now it sounds nasty) and yogurt/sherbert is too tangy with my heartburn.

I'm feelin' like a bad momma for eating all this crap yet...it's all I want!  

Am I the only one with this creamy craving? 

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