
Is it a problem that DS still needs a diaper every night?

So DS, age 3 1/2, has been potty trained during the day for nearly a year now - since last May I'd say. He still occasionally has accidents but pretty rarely, except that for naps and nighttime we use a pullup (nap) or diaper. He pees so much at night even with the diaper that I am frequently changing his sheets (a huge pain, especially since I'm scrambling to do this while trying to get out the door to work). So there seems to be no end in sight to his needing a diaper at night. Our neighbor's daughter who potty trained right along with him hasn't needed a diaper day or night since June. Obviously boys and girls are very different but shouldn't he be occasionally waking up with a dry diaper by now? Is there any way to move this process along? I don't see how I can as he has no control over it.
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