TTC After a Loss

*~*~*Ladies In Waiting*~*~*

This check-in is for Monday, March 18th.

 Hi ladies, Maddie has asked me to take over this check in and I?m thrilled. I hope I can provide you with the answers and support you have become use to with Maddie.  I would like to change the check-ins from Wednesday and Friday to Monday and Thursday.  Please let me know if this will not work for you ladies.  Also, please let me know if there is anything you would like for me to add to the check in!



This is a group designed for all the ladies in the various stages of waiting after a loss: waiting to miscarry, waiting for AF to arrive, waiting to TTC again, and waiting for a BFP. Since this process is such a true test in patience, it is nice to have the support and friendship of other women going through similar experiences and emotions.



Check in every Monday and Thursday.


New members: Post an introduction and your current TTC status and I will add you to the list! Welcome :-)


Current members: Post your updates, link to your chart, upcoming appointments, prayer requests, and if you get a BFP, please feel free to 

post here (along with your EDD).


There will be a question, a place for prayer request, and an inspirational verse. I look forward to getting to know you!




To keep track of all your favorite Ladies In Waiting visit the Official Group LIW Blog! If you?ve not given us your ticker (in the exact code format as shown below), please do so if you want to be included on the graphical ticker page! Check it out now on the blog!



**If you have already shared your ticker code, ignore the following!


If you have a ticker AND want to share it on the LIW blog, please share the code in your reply!


***if it's in your siggy, you can go in and copy/paste from there!***


Go to >Sharing >Graphical ticker >Customize your Charting Ticker,


(Just hit next through the 4 screens if you don't want to make any changes.)


and copy and paste the HTML link here. PUT A * RIGHT AFTER THE A and you should be able to post fine.

<a* href="">

<img border="0" src=""></a>



Welcome Houseofchaos, and mjester1! I'm so sorry you have to join us. I hope you find the same love and support we have all found here. If you have any questions, please let me know or PM me!


Houseofchaos- Welcome!  I am so sorry for you losses.  I hope you find LIW welcoming.  Are you charting?  Are you in your 2WW?  


MyFirstRaspberry- Has AF shown up yet?  Are you planning on charting once you get past the TTA cycle?


 Cpm1223- Are you TTA or TTC?   


km_md ? Have you started  using OPK?s yet?  How is it going?  I know my first timing using them it was confusing.  Hoping this is your cycle!


mightymousy- Sorry to see AF showed.  How are you feeling this cycle?


skategirl128 ? How did your blood draw go? You still planning of starting to TTC in April? Do you plan on charting? I am sorry about the guilt you are feeling.  I think we all have it at one point or another.  It?s hard to move forward without feeling like we are trying to forget about the past.  ((hugs))

bubbilicousgirl- How are you feeling? How are things going?


eme520 - Yay!! I see AF finally arrived.  How are feeling?  


heather52904 - Sorry to hear about last cycle. I hope this one is a better one with a happier outcome.


MamaWombat ? Yay for AF! Did she arrive on her own or did you have to use Provera? When do you do your blood draws? Hopefully you get some anwers soon.


Mjester1- Welcome and sorry for you loss.   Where are you at on this cycle?  How is TTA treating you?


Lydiatait7- I see AF has left.  How are you doing?



Question of the day: What's your favorite item of clothing and why?


Inspirational Quote: Don?t be afraid of your fears.  They?re not there to scare you.  They?re there to let you know that something is worth it.  ?C. JoyBell C.


Inspirational Verse:  Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.


BFP#1 02/19/12 missed mc 03/30/12 1st D&C 05/16/12 2nd D&C 08/17/12
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Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
My Ovulation Chart

~~AL Always Welcome~~
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