August 2013 Moms

I didn't know! Blog post

I'm 18 weeks today, and have no small children (aside from my nephew) on MY side of the family. My brother and I are the oldest cousins by far on my mom's side, and my dad's side is full of people waiting. However, on DH's side almost everyone is popping out kids! He's the second youngest cousin, so we're 3rd from last to have our first baby. After we announced I was PG, a cousin gave birth to a little girl, super sweet, and another (said cousin's sister) announced they're PG, too! So we're all super excited, and since they're more experienced (obviously) than me, they've been my mini-support system throughout my first pregnancy.  

Yesterday was another cousin's son's first birthday party. We're all there, having a good time, when I notice the the cousin who is also PG hasn't said one word to me. I take it in stride and assume it's because she's at a different table and move on. I'm talking with my MIL and SIL about my pregnancy, mainly because that's all I'm known for now. And chatting with cousin w/ a newborn, and any person that asks anything! Basically I spent a solid 2 hours talking about and answering questions about being PG.

PG cousin STILL hasn't acknowledged me. I go over to say hi and everything and she kind of brushes me off. I don't think much of it, and soon DH and I are leaving. We get in the car, and DH says something along the lines of "I don't know how (cousin) is dealing with all this. Must be hard.", I'm thinking, what? Being PG? I'm dealing with it, too! Then he informs me that cousin has a miscarriage 11 days ago!!! WTF?? No one told me! How was I supposed to know! Oh DH "thought" he told me. 

So I'm the biggest a-hole in America right now. I almost want to call and apologize, but I'm afraid to say anything at all. I'm so sad and sorry for her loss, but after yesterday, I just look like a huge AW with no heart. Ugh. Maybe I'm being over dramatic, but I know it's such a hard thing to go through, and I can't believe people just let me keep blabbering on, or kept asking me questions, when they all knew she was hurting. :( 

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