3rd Trimester

mucous plug?

I read about losing your mucous plug closer to your due date, or up to 2 weeks before you could go into labor. I am 33 weeks and this morning I woke up, went to use the bathroom, and I think I may have lost mine. I wiped atleast 5 times and each time it was clumps of mucous looking stuff... no "bloody show" however ive heard that doesnt happen to everyone. Since then I have been wearing a pad. I was going to call my dr immediately, but I have an appt today at 2pm so I figured I will wait til then to tell her.
What does it mean if you lose it this early? Should I be worried? Im a FTM so I may be freaking out over something small but I just need to make sure. What will the Dr do if I HAVE lost my plug?
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