August 2013 Moms

Sleeping on different level than LO xp from Sept 2010

We have a 2 bedroom house.  Our plan was to add a 3rd bedroom over our kitchen which would put all 3 bedrooms on the same level.  We just found out that its not possible and I'm really bummed about it.  Moving is not an option. Our options at this point are to A Add a bedroom off of the kitchen.  It would be a nice size, we could add a bathroom and would have a decent size closet.  It would be a fairly straightforward project that DH could do with the help of family and friends.  It would take away from the backyard but DH and I are ok with that.  B  Have DD and DS share a room for 3 to 4 years and we can try to move at that point.  But I'm thinking if we go this route we're not going to have much luck selling without the 3rd bed anyway.

So, I'm leaning towards option A.  But I am REALLY nevous about sleeping on a different level that the kids.  Its not like we will be really far away and we have a video monitor, but I'm just so used to being right next to DD.  We really don't even need a monitor now b/c we can easily hear her if she wakes at night.  I told DH if we were to go this route an alarm system would be a must may be overkill but I think it would help me feel a little better.  The front door opens up right to the stairs to the 2nd floor and that freaks me out a little knowing that we wouldn't be up there......

Does anyone sleep on a different level than their LO?  How does it work for you?  Were you worried about it and if so how did you get more comfortable with the idea?
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BFP # 2 9/6/12 - M/C 9/25/12
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