August 2013 Moms

Why am I having these doubts?

We go for our first ultrasound on Wednesday... I am so excited to finally see our little one and hopefully find out the gender. However, I'm having bad feelings about it... I don't know why. I keep thinking "What if everything isn't okay?" I have had some minor to bad cramping over the last few days, I feel like my stomach went from a little pregnancy bump to back to normal, and I just feel so negative about this test. I lay in bed at night and run it through my head, almost reassuring myself that sometimes bad things happen and things may not be meant to be. I have no clue why I'm doing this to myself.

The cramping I tell myself felt like more discomfort after eating something, as I had an increase in BM over the weekend too. I attributed that to the bump going down.. that perhaps it was a good bit of gas popping me out. I am 18 weeks tomorow.

I just keep having these little run throughs of my husband and I in the room and the tech saying that she needs to go talk to the doctor. I feel like I am going crazy!

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