3rd Trimester

feeling left out

I knew I would feel this way again eventually but not this soon. Dh gets invited to a lot of stuff that our friends do but I never do BC I'm pregnant and have a toddler.
I realize when DS was little I didn't want someone else to watch him yet but its BC I ebf and he was terrible at taking a bottle but he's 2 and not nursing. But I'm pregnant so they think I wouldn't like to do stuff too like skeet shooting, bonfires. We are really outdoorsy people.
I would ask my mil to watch DS if I was asked. But everyone keeps saying "o you're pregnant ...you probably wouldn't feel like doing that stuff".
Dh doesn't always go BC he can tell I get lonely. I just keep telling my friends that just BC I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do stuff.
Its just weird BC all of those girls have been pregnant and have 1 kid, so you would think they would understand. I guess not!!!
Sorry ill get over this but it happened again this weekend and just really upset me. Ill just get together with some other moms this week and feel better hopefully!! _
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