August 2013 Moms

Tummy touchers

So first I would like to say thank you to all 91 people who responded to my post about being a young single mom. Everyone's kind words mean so much. Truly.
Secondly, I would like to blow off a little steam. The other day I went to go visit my exbest friends mom we still keep in touch. I walked in the door and as she was lovingly gazing into my eyes she put her hand on my stomach closer to my lady parts and pressed in like she could feel my baby or something. Now I am only 16 weeks.. I am definitely showing A LITTLE BIT but I was wearing a sweatshirt. WHAT THE HELL LADY?!? I almost decked her I was so mad. Like, I really don't like being touched especially my stomach. What is with people's fascination with feeling a pregnant woman's stomach?! You will have plenty of opportunity to hold my baby when it comes out of me, touching me right now is just awkward and uncomfortable ! STOP IT !
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