Columbus Babies

Pedi recs?

DS has always gone to a Nationwide Close To Home Primary Care Center and I have always hated it-- I envied the moms that had relationships with their pedis. DS has never seen the same pedi twice, and I have really grown to dislike the pedis there.

Now that LO needs to start regularly going to the pedi, I don't want him to go to Nationwide too. I want them both to see the same pedi, but I also want to see a pedi that is more open to alternate parenting styles. (Not too crazy... we just don't force the potty on DS, we cloth diaper, delayed vaccination schedule but they still get all their vacs, etc)

We live in Hilliard and looking for a pedi in and around that area. (Galloway, Hilliard, Dublin area)

Any recommendations? I'm looking for our in-network pedis but I'd love to see if a recommendation is on that list! 

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