August 2013 Moms

Rant: Soooo annoyed!

If you were sick, wouldn't you tell someone who was going to visit you that you were sick so they can choose to visit you at a later date? It sounds like DH's relative has a stomach virus and may end up in the Er with dehydration from vomiting so much today. Umm, knowing that the stomach virus is going around and that it's contagious, why the heck didn't you warn DH so he can go visit another time?!?! You know I'm pregnant, so why would you put us at risk like that?! I'm sorry you're not doing well and it sucks that you might need fluids, but if I end up in the hospital from dehydration because of you, I'm going to be livid. Sorry, I'm a super paranoid ftm and trying so hard not to get the flu or any other sicknesses that could put LO at risk. I haven't seen my own family since NYE since they've had the flu, colds, and stomach virus for the past three months. I know I'm probably being irrational, but I can't help but be so annoyed right now. Thanks for letting me rant.

Gonna go make a hot cocoa and calm down.
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