August 2013 Moms

Elective us question

So, at elective ultrasounds does the tech just let you watch the baby for a while, take a gender peek, and listen to the hb? Or do they take all sorts of measurements, looking for abnormalities, too?

I ask because my parents and DH's mom will be joining my anatomy scan, like I posted about not too long ago. Some of you ladies freaked me out a bit saying it won't be very fun if they find things wrong with baby, etc. So I'm thinking about doing an elective before my anatomy scan to get a thumbs up. I'd still like to wait on gender reveal til my family is with us. I know they can't always find the gender parts at AS, but maybe if the elective tech can get a glimpse, she can write it down as backup. I don't know, it's probably absurd to spend the money on an elective US just to make sure the appt with family will be "fun."
Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.
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