August 2013 Moms

Mall Weirdos Rant!

Hi Gals! 

So, sorry that my first official post of the Aug board is a bit of a vent, but I just have to share with someone! 

It was so nice out today that I decided to take the little dude (will be 1 next week) to the local outdoor mall to walk around. He's a pretty silly boy and likes to hang his feet out on top of his stroller tray like I'm pushing him around in a mobile lounge chair. Most people that see him kind of point and giggle. While I was in one of the stores a lady approaches us to come say hi to DS. She proceeds to tell me I got his foot stuck and starts grabbing it, trying to pull it back through the stroller bottom! I yanked him back and told her that I don't care to have strangers manhandling my kids & that he was just fine as-is. Then she scolds me for him having red knees! He crawls, we have carpet! What the heck do you expect?! I told her she should probably mind her own business and to have a great afternoon. 

OMG! Maybe it's just the hormones but I am so darn worked up over this! Then at the food court we were waiting in line for a pretzel (Yummmmmm) and the lady in front of us stepped out of her flip flop and touched her bare toes to DS's bare toes! I nearly died. I swear the weirdos are out in droves today.  

Anyway, I'm excited to join you here on Aug Moms! Hope you all had a better, less toe-jam filled day than I did!  :-)

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