August 2013 Moms

Using A Hammock

After seeking advice here, and taking in the feedback, we have decided we will probably have baby in our room for the first few months now. Originally we weren't going to but as a few people mentioned, being upstairs while baby is downstairs, will be a right PITA, especially straight after birth. 

So, we have adjusted our plans and have been looking at sleeping options for our room (we already have a crib and a crib hanging bassinet but without lugging it all upstairs we need something else).

We recently purchased a Natures Sway hammock and noticed in the instructions that they are recommended for sleeping for new babies. We got ours purely for using downstairs in the lounge for naps, but are now considering using it for night time for those few months. It states clearly on the instructions that it should only be used until baby can roll over, sit up or crawl so we have no issues with how long it can be used, but until then, this could be our solution.

Has anyone else used one of the baby Hammocks?

Everyone I know who has used this hammock swears by them, but I don't know if they ever used them for night sleeping.   

TTC Since March 2010 - 2 angel babies - BFP December 12 EDD 12 Aug 13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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