3rd Trimester

She's heeeere!

Lillian Ruth was born late Wednesday via C/S.

I was scheduled to be induced Tues night. When I showed up, I was 5cm dilated so they broke my water and started things painlessly. No pitocin! Got the epidural two hours later.

Well, I stalled at 8cm for about six hours. I started feeling some extra pain so they upped my epi. As soon as they did, two things happened: 1 I couldn't feel my legs and 2 I was 10cm. Because of the epi and the lack leg movement, they wouldn't let me push so they had to shut off my epi and wait.

Well, I proceeded to push for 3.5 hours and nothing was happening. We ended up heading in for the C/S. It was not ideal, but after 3.5 hours of pushing, I was done. I was actually crying to be done about two hours into pushing.

Turns out, baby was just over 9lbs. They never attempt to estimate weight at any of my appointments, so we didn't know she would be so big! My OB did not deliver her, but she said getting stuck at 8cm for so long should have been a sign that she wasn't fitting.

Sooo... baby is super healthy, mom is super sore, but we are making it! The ice packs are my best friend. It stinks to be so sore in the privates AND have the incision. BFing is proving to be an obstacle, but its better with the shields.

Sorry for any typos, missing punctuation or misspellings ... mobile!


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