Third-Party Reproduction

Feeling overwhelmed (vent)

Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind a vent...just when it seems I have some answers for my past failures, now there are other obstacles in my way, namely the cost of treatments.

For anyone that doesn't know, I recently had a consultation with a Reproductive Immunologist (RI).  The consult was expensive, the blood tests were expensive and now the treatments they are recommending for me are rather expensive.

I'm not saying I blame him, but DH does NOT want to go to Mexico for LIT.  This particular treatment is not too expensive in itself, but we are on opposite sides of the country and if we commit to doing it, it means two trips to AZ from the east coast (3 weeks apart).  Plus the thought of crossing the border to get treatment is more than a little intimidating.

Then there's the cost of IVIG, which is super expensive (2-3 treatments are close to what we paid for an IVF cycle) and they can't tell you upfront how many treatments might be needed (it depends on your response).  Even once pregnant, IVIG still may be needed to help maintain the pregnancy.

I'm still paying off my first IVF (which I stupidly put on a CC), so the thought of all of these treatment costs is  so stressful...but I feel like we've come this far and I can't handle the thought of not giving my remaining DE embryos the best possible chances.  But then again, the thought of going into more debt when there is no guarantee of success is scary too.

I hate that so many of us have to make decisions based on financial just sucks!!  (thanks for letting me vent...)

Me: AMA, DOR, undetectible AMH, carrier of SMA. MH: No known issues, aside from MTHFR. TTC since 7/11/09..with medical intervention starting in 2010, including 4 failed IVF's and 6 failed IUI's...only "success" was a chemical pregnancy in 11/2012 (credited to use of DE). 4 DE "frosties" waiting on results of immunology testing...hoping to cycle in Spring 2013. My favorite breed: image ***PAIF/SAIF always welcome***
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