August 2013 Moms

Coworker vent. Ugh!!!

So, I guess my mistake was sharing with my coworker that my OB says I should not gain more than 11 pounds for the pregnancy and that two days ago when steppin on the scale I was up 3 pounds. Oh well.

But today, during snack time for the students one of the kids had a bag of Fritos and I mentioned how good they smelled and how I like Fritos. Well, she then said that I can't have Fritos during pregnancy. I said I could, but then she came back with how I have to watch what I eat and not gain anymore or else I'll "blow up." I actually said, "Are you the food police?" And she said yes. Seriously, woman???

Later, my other coworker just said to me to ignore her because she's just a nosy body. But still, I can't believe she actually said all of that!
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