3rd Trimester

Early Stages

Yesterday I went to work and just didn't feel right (shaky and nauseous)  I told the assistant principal at my school and she insisted I go to the nurse.  They took my bp and she asked me a whole bunch of questions.  I called my dr.  he said have my husband come get me and come in.  They hooked me up to the monitor and i was having very frequent contractions, some of them strong, but not as consistent as he' like. (some were a minute, some were 20-30 seconds)  He said go home relax for a bit then be active.  I had mexican food (which i threw up, like almost everything else I ate yesterday) went home cleaned (my house is spotless!)  And they are still inconsistent.  MORE SO!!!!  I think this little guy got stage fright- kinda like "hey- I was ready and you all weren't  screw you!"  I'm still nauseous and have had more bowel movements in the last 3 days that I think I've had in the last 3 months!!!!! And I was not constipated during this pregnancy!  No more work for me now.  (I'm already stir crazy!)  Sheesh- Let's get this show on the road little man.  Mama wants to hold down some food and stop pooping!
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