August 2013 Moms

It has started....NAMES

I am not venting and thankfully I find it FUNNY. DH's cousin that text me asking about names and that she had some she liked from a baby book. Not thinking I said ok sure. Will she sends me a text with like 50 baby names and meanings I mean they just kept coming. So I looked at them none of them struck me as cute. We already had a set first name but I was kind of open to middle name. Finally DH was like if we have a girl what about Lynn, his mom's middle name, I agreed.

We knew from our first date that if we had a boy he would be the V.

DH's cousin sends me a message on FB, did you like any of the names I said they were ok but we came up with a name. She sends me another message, "YOU DID NOT LIKE ANY OF THE NAMES. All I can do is LOL, they were different names, like I was unsure of how the pronouncing the names. I think she is pissed because we are not using any of the names. Oh well at least I can LOL about this I hope when more people ask or tell us to change the name I can just LOL and Big Smile.

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