August 2013 Moms

And Two More

Boys!  Found out our twins are fraternal boys. I was totally off base. Thought for sure at least one girl if not two!  


Me-39, DH 36 Married May 2010 TTC since June 2010 Un-monitored clomid cycles 1/11-3/11 Began seeing RE March 2011 4/11-6/11 Femera +IUI =BFN 7/11-8/11 Femera +trigger shot +IUI =BFN Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy on 9/8/11 Surprise natural BFP! on 9/30/2011 M/C at 8 weeks D&C on 11/3/11 2nd M/C on 12/25- natural Feb-June Follistim + IUI= BFN IVF #1- Start Stimms- 8/3 ER- 8/18 5R 4M 3F ET- All 3 on 8/21 =BFN IVF #2- Start Stimms- 11/5 ER- 11/19 9R 8M 8F ET- 11/22 3 8 cell embies. BFP HPT! 12/4 Beta #1- 12/6 976! Ultrasound on 12/21- Twins! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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