Dads & Dads-to-be

So Far So Good - But Wish There Was More I Could Do

Back from our (2nd) 1st OB appointment. Nurse Midwife officially changed our due date to coincide with the ultrasound - which means we are still stuck in week 7 - LMP would have put us 9 days ahead of where we are now.

Between the 2 week 7's this time and the week 7 before the miscarriage - it feels like we've been at 7 weeks forever...

Got the usual stuff - no clue what is causing the bleeding, don't do coke and meth, try not to booze it up in Italy in 3 weeks. The one down side was we will be our of the country at the time we can get the NT scan - so we'll have to wait till the quad screen at week 16. But my wife is 31 (I am 36) and there is no history in the family so I'm not too worried.

In the meantime - my wife is just ill. Nauseous, tired, and generally not feeling well - a huge departure from the first pregnancy where she had little to no symptoms (which might be explained by the miscarriage). So as much as I hate seeing her like this - part of me is relieved to see her like this (does that make me a bad husband? I hope not).

I just sucks that there is nothing I can do to make any of this better. Hopefully things ease up before we leave so she can enjoy Italy a bit! I know she is looking forward to the gelato and pizza!

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