August 2013 Moms

Baby and School

I am starting school again this May and am kind of back and forth on this idea. I will complete summer term just as baby is due the end of July. Obviously I need some time home at the minimum 6 weeks. I looked at the academic calendar because some schools have the 2 term option. Low and behold there it was. I can take classes second half of the fall semester which does not start until September 23. Baby is due Aug 6 and reality tells me that with the GD they will not let me pass my due date more than a week. If I deliver before my due date that will give me 7-8 weeks home with baby before school starts back up. The reason this is such a big deal is because DH is stationed in Fort Rucker. I am going to school at the University of Alabama which is 3.5 hours away which means baby and I will be there on the days I have classes. I have an apartment that I am leasing there so the 3-4 days I have school I will stay there and come home when class is over. Just thinking if it would be a good idea to swing this. I am one of those people that once I get started I hate putting things on pause and I am working with a time limit since DH will be pending orders within the next 12 months. My bachelors I think I can obtain in a year and a half if I do it right. My head is just a bit overwhelmed with the thoughts right now I guess.
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