3rd Trimester

PUPPS or Cholestasis? Anyone have experience?

So at first I thought I had PUPPS but now my doctor wants to test me for Cholestasis. Im waiting on my blood work to come back but i dont know if i have pupps or cholestasis. I have a super itchy abdomen and little red bumps all over my stretch marks. Nothing soothes it! Which sounds like pupps. But i also have noticed dark urine, super fatigued, mild depression, and i cant sleep very well at all and very loose stools. Plus im worried about vit k deficiency since when i got blood drawn it took almost a half hour for the bleeding to clot which i thought was odd. The only thing is that im itchy but mostly on my stomach and thighs and i do have a rash which doesn't sound typical with the cholestasis. So i have to wait till Monday for the results but im trying to calm my fears. Any have experience with either of these?  I havent even heard of them until now. It sounds like that if I had to have either of these I would rather have the PUPPS because it isnt dangerous to the baby. I just dont know what to do and how to get the itching to stop!
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