August 2013 Moms

Constant Headaches

Good Morning! I am currently 17 weeks and 3 days along... have always suffered from very minor headaches. However a few years ago I had those "ice pick headaches" that come at you like an entire knife block in the head. I ended up getting an MRI and was put on a medication to help relieve them when I felt them coming on. I made it successfully through the first trimester with little nausea and feeling great other than being run down... but one thing I did suffer from were these headaches, and more on a daily basis now. They seem to keep getting worse as pregnancy goes on as well. I have taken Tylenol but I don't want to take it all day everyday, tried a little caffiene and compress/rest. Also chiropractic. Just wondering if anyone else is dealing with bad headaches too and what seems to help you?
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