3rd Trimester

Body vent and question


Hello All, I posted this on the high risk board but everyone is asleep I think. 

 I am a lurker usually but I have to vent. I am 33 weeks pregnant and at the end of my rope. I have been struggling with diabetes and am loosing the battle as they are now going to switch me to insulin and my peripheral neuropathy is getting worse. On top of that the hypertension that I had in the previous pregnancy seems to be trying to come back.  I thought that was bad. Now on top of all of  that I am now getting something called Cholestasis of pregnancy. which means my entire body is itching non-stop because my gallbladder is leaking Bile into by blood which is .... not good. It is particularly dangerous for LO. I dont understand why when I am trying so hard to be healthy that my body wont obey! I know there are probably worse things that could be happening but the constant itching makes everything seem so much worse. That and the itching makes it almost impossible to sleep. I have had a combined total of 6 hours of sleep this whole week! Has anyone had this particular combo or even just the Cholestasis? I'm sorry to complain its just that with very little social support these days I dont have many other places to go. I cant stand the thought that my body could hurt my LO! Thanks

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