August 2013 Moms

anatomy scan next week.. (frustrated)

My 20 week u/s is next week.. When we first found out of course MIL and grandMILs wanted to be at every U/S cause FI is the only grandchild (on both sides) and this is our first.. Of course I was all excited too and welcomed them to the appointments, which is not where my issue is.. (Child willing) we would all love to find out the gender, but all two of the three ladies are super gossipy and I just dont want everyone to know yet, even if we (FI and I) know.. partially because my mother can't make it to the appointment to find out and partially because I'd rather all the gmas (and anyone else who might buy a gift) to get green/yellow stuff and not blue/pink- because I know the u/s isn't going to be 100% (i was supposed to be a boy, my brother was supposed to be a girl.)

I'm kind of debating on what I should do here.. would be okay to ask MIL if she can wait til the baby shower to find out (we could play a fun little gender reveal game for everyone).. I've even considered asking the U/S tech to tell them that s/he can't tell- however deception isn't a pretty thing to wear.

FI is upset that I've changed my mind b/c he obviously does not want to hurt his mother's feelings, but geez she asked at Christmas and I've had three months to mull things over.. I just want two things (perhaps the two biggest- gender and names) secret for just a little while. everyone will know eventually! Is that so bad??
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