August 2013 Moms

Doula's are they nessecery

Im looking into a Doula, we are expecting our first child! And are going through the Cascade Midwife Center in Everett,WA and I love everyone there. We are planning a at home water birth ...And If your a first time parent the require either birthing classes or a doula, but say if you can do both its reccommended... Ive looked online and am just not finding someone that I feel I can connect with. I am wanting a few tasteful photos done, but not like a whole lot.. Just things that I wont get to see, like my husbands reaction and him catching the baby and cutting the cord etc.. Im having a hard time justifying a grand for someone I only meet once or twice before labor and then they showup and help the midwife and her assistants... My husband has read all the being the perfect birth partner books and is very intelligent.. I dont doubt that he could successfully take the place of the doula, I just more or less want to make sure I am covered and we do get a few pics, and he is not a good picture taker!!!!!! Opinions or ideas? I posted this in a local board too, just to see if anyone had a doula locally that rocked.
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