3rd Trimester

stomach bug 34weeks

I was curious if anyone has recently had stomach bug in 3rd tri? I started with it on monday night, vomiting/diarrhea (good times) by tuesday morning the accute symptoms had subsided but the extreme fatigue, weakness, and shaking with fever were still there. I spent the entire day in bed yesterday. Today I am feeling a bit better. I actually got dressed but I am still not 100% I fell asleep for almost 2hrs and still cant get myself to really eat much more than toast. Ob said to just try and drink and let my body get better on it's own. my question is how long until you felt like yourself again. I am so drained. I have 3 other children and have been lucky enough to have my husband home the last 2 days from work. He will be home again tomorrow (he works a rotating schedule) but will be back to work Friday. I imagine by then ill be feeling good?? i sure hope. curious how others made out. I am wondering if the pregnancy is adding to the time it takes to recover. To add to it I am severely anemic this pregnancy. thanks for any tips/info
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