
Preschool? XP Toddlers 24+ Board

DD's birthday is September 7th and the cut-off to start school in our city is September 1st, so we've always known DD will be the oldest in her class.  We plan to start her in preschool right before her fourth birthday.  That way she does two years of preschool then moves on to Kindergarten when she's 5 going on 6.  

We were at DD's 2.5 year appointment yesterday and the pedi asked if she was starting preschool in the fall.  I said no and explained why but said she does take a gym class and does story time once a week.  She then said, "But no separation classes?  Nothing that takes her away from mommy?"  When I told her no the pedi left it at that, but it made me start to wonder if she is suggesting that this might be a problem in the future.

Before I had DD I was a teacher myself, so obviously I don't see a problem with waiting until she's older to do separation, but maybe I'm missing something?   

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