3rd Trimester

polite ways to tell people to stop calling?

I am appreciative of all the people that care enough to call and see how I am doing, but it is really starting to drive me crazy.. I am due Friday and am getting constant calls and text messages from people I dont even know very well. I am a private person in general and dont even plan on telling people when I go into labor. I want it just me and DH and NO one in the waiting room and no one bugging us the whole time on the phone. I was thinking of posting something like this on Facebook:

I am turning the ringer off on my cell phone so I can have some alone time with my husband before the baby comes. Dont worry, we will let you know when she makes an appearance.

Is this rude? Or do you think it will make even more people start bugging me? Lol  Thanks for your thoughts! 


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