August 2013 Moms

I hate weight questions too but I have one.

So my pre-pregnancy weight this time around was 183 (I gained 60 lbs with DD #1 and was still working on losing that), so since I was already overweight they only recommend I gain 15-20 lbs during my pregnancy. By last week I had gained 10 lbs because I have been eating like a cow and not doing much. So I was 193 when I should have been probably around 186 or 187 at this point in my pregnancy (according to the charts)

Well I decided it was time to stop screwing around, I have been eating only fruits veggies, meats, beans, and a small amount of whole grains. I have started walking again and doing yoga. The concern is I am loosing weight. I am not back to pre-pregnancy weight, I am 189 so still more than I 'should' be. My goal isn't to lose weight obviously that isn't a good idea when you are pregnant my goal is to stay healthy and not gain 60 lbs again.

My concern is should I be stepping up what I am eating or since the weight loss is so small and I was already more than I should be should I not be too concerned? 

Making muffins with mommy! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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