
Working moms: I don't know how to do this

I work three days/week outside the house and DH and my office is an hour from home, so we're gone from 7:30 to 5:30 on workdays. DD doesn't have to start preschool this fall, but I'm starting to consider it more for her own sake, but can't seem to figure out how, logistically.

I'm also losing a babysitter in the fall, so I only have two of my three days covered starting in September. If you work and have more than one kid, how does it work out? I don't know if I should find someone to watch them both, see if a daycare/preschool type place will take them just one day/week or send DD to full-day preschool and DS to a different babysitter. I don't even know where to start!

TIA :) 

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