3rd Trimester

Girls' Night Out "Sprinkle" Stress (vent)

First off, let me say that I am blessed by very sweet (if not pushy) friends.  

B/G: STM here.  My BFF asked about 3 months ago (ish) if I wanted a shower/sprinkle and I told her no.  She insisted and I told her no, as we're having another girl, there is really NOTHING we need (other than, say, diapers) and a double stroller/new carseat which we got on our own.  I said it was sweet and anyone (including her since that's what I knew she was asking about) wanting to get us something still could but there was no need for another shindig, but thanks for the offer.

Subject was dropped.   

Fast forward to this past Sunday.   Two different close friends (one of whom I would call my "church BF") approached me and told me they're throwing me a shower.  I refused.  They said "sprinkle" and I said no.  They then said well, we're doing a girls night out, you're coming, you're the guest of honor and the theme is "baby".  I finally relented, given that I don't turn down a GNO, it's a policy.  Then they started asking who to invite, what days work for me, etc. etc...

 Thing is, I'm due 4/11.  Yeah, basically a month from when they asked (3/10) and these ladies both know I'm half thinking I'll go early (for a number of reasons).  And now they've settled on 3/19 (this Tuesday) and are scrambling and asking me where to have it, who to invite, etc.

I'm already stressed just trying to make sure things are ready here on this end, went in to the doc on Monday thinking I could be going into labor (nope), and as much as going out for a night with the girls sounds fun, doing any planning is NOT what I have room for right now.  

And apparently, they've been "planning" for months.  This is what they said to me and also DH knew (but kept it a secret) for months.  Yet...there is NO PLANNING DONE.  

I've been on and off FB chat with them since Sunday going in circles on where to have it and who to invite and I am just over it at this point.  I'd love to go out but it's already been a big hassle.

End vent.  Sorry for being an entitled brat.   

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