August 2013 Moms

Morning just started and already crying and stressing. Ugh.

So I have a toddler and obviously pregnant but also am babysitting a 4 month old. Oh my gosh it is really freaking me out. My daughter was a wonderful little girl. She only cried when she needed something (for the most part) and I easily figured out those cries and things were great. This little boy I babysit cries ALL THE TIME. I only watch him for 6 hours 2 times each week but it's the most exhausting moments every week, physically and emotionally. I've started crying before he even gets to my house each morning because I know already the day is going to suck.

I have a fear that this next child will be like this but my husband keeps trying to reassure me. The mother (a family member) wants me to feed her child every 4 hours, so 2 hours after he arrives, and 4 hours again after that. When my daughter was 4 months she was eating every 2-3 hours. And if she was hungry, I wasn't strict about a schedule, I fed her and then she was happy. But with this child I HAVE to feed him right on schedule. I tried to explain that he is always hungry and crying at my house before then and if I fed him sooner he's happy. She said to "try to hold off." He screams every day at the 3 hour mark. No way in heck I can "hold off" for a whole hour. So Monday I fed him at the 3 hour mark both times. Today in her little notebook it said "bottles today at 10 and 2." The 4 hour times. UGH!

It's family and she's a first time mom so i'm afraid to step on toes but I can't NOT feed him when he's hungry. I CAN'T deal with screaming. And when he's not screaming that he's hungry, he's just whining and crying all day because he has to be held. I don't mind holding and rocking, but I can't do it 6 hours straight. My body aches because he's heavy and my toddler needs attention too. Even the grandfather of the child said he thinks the child is being spoiled. I tried not to hold my daughter every second of the day, and now she can play on her own while I do dishes or laundry. If I had held her constantly i'd never get anything done.

I'm losing it. My chest hurts,  my body aches from holding him constantly, a crying baby, a jealous toddler, and all I want to do is cry. My husband is worried i'm too stressed and should let her know I can't babysit anymore and i'm starting to consider it. What would you do? Quit? Talk to them more? What would you say? Seriously considering telling her to find someone else but it's family. Ugh.

Sorry for long rant/vent.

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