August 2013 Moms

Update to update

It was a long night. The only reason I am up is because I have an appointment this morning. I did not get out of the hospital til about 2am last night. Baby still looks good. The outer portion of my cervix has started to dilate but the inner portion remains intact thankfully because if I had started to internally dilate the placenta is still over my cervix and I would have started to bleed. I was given a medication to take for 2 days to calm my uterus down. If it starts again after that they will discuss procardia. I was a bit nervous when the nurse said the doctor who was a very calm guy was panicking talking about how I was triaged wrong and I waited too long and it was too early to have so many contractions so when the tech came in to do my u/s I told them to tell me what we were having. I guess I blew team green but the thought in my mind was if something was going to happen I had to know. We are having a boy. This is DH first boy I think he is beside himself. I'm really just exhausted and after this appointment I swear I am going back to bed!!! Thanks again for thoughts and prayers ladies!!! Means a lot.
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