Third-Party Reproduction

ET tomorrow

Hi all, I haven't been on here in a while. Sending you all the best for upcoming betas!

My ET is tomorrow. My wife had ER on Friday, they retrieved 21 eggs and 16 fertilized, now we have 13 viable and 8 going strong. We are planning for only one to transfer tomorrow, and try to freeze others.

I'm very nervous and excited!
M&K met 8/2002 married 6/2012
TTC with RE since March 2012
3 missed O's, 6 IUIs = 1 BFP/m/c, 5 BFNs
(2 unmedicated IUIs, 2 clomid IUI, 2 femara IUI)
Shared maternity/partner IVF starting Feb 2013
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