Dads & Dads-to-be

First Trip Coming Up With LO

We are flying to DC next month for a wedding and a mini-vacation.  The wedding is family, so it will be a blast. The groom, my cousin, asked me to usher, and I had to say yes, so I have all the wedding party stuff going on now.  But it will be our first time traveling with the squirt, and I am really excited about it.

I have some questions for my fellow dads here...

1) The most of them have cribs available, or do we have to bring the pack n play with us?

2) The plane.....bottle during take off and landing I am assuming?  Not a long flight from Milwaukee to DC, but long enough for the squirt to sleep, considering we are not taking off until his bedtime.  Also, how is it holding a near-20 8 month old on a plane?

3) Managing a sleep schedule.  How in the world are we going to be able to do that?  We have a capitol tour scheduled, and since my wife has never been there, I plan on showing her the big sights like the museums, the memorials and some of the neighborhoods and college campuses. We will have the stroller, so I am assuming that we treat the stroller as a nap place too when we are out and about. My wife and the squirt will skip the rehershal dinner, so he can catch up on sleep then.

Excited to leave, but I am very fearful of the unknown.  I am scared to death that he will be a terror the whole trip, and with that will go many, many future trips.

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