3rd Trimester

Anyone else have an overly-opinionated family?

Sorry just gotta get this off my chest...

I'm 35 wks and throughout this whole pregnancy pretty much all of my family on my mom's side has been so judgemental.  This is my first pregnancy so I've been soaking up as much research and advice as I possibly can, especially now since I'm so close to my due date.  But no matter what they treat me like I have my head up my ass...ugh.  I'm almost afraid to tell them that when LO gets here that the first few weeks or so I'm going to exclusively BF before introducing the bottle so we can get into our own rhythm.  I just know how that one's gonna end considering one of my aunts breastfed her daughter and she ended up having a low milk supply so it seems pretty obvious to them that I'm going to end up having the same problem as I have heard so many times since they found out that I want to breast feed.  I'm so frustrated I think I need a hug and maybe a pint of Ben and Jerry's...To the grocery store!!

Thanks for listening :) 

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