August 2013 Moms

coffee drinkers

I never completely cut out caffeine, but did tea for first 10 weeks and then started back up with one cup of coffee each morning. I thought that was a reasonable approach, but lately (prob due to my history of high caffeine tolerance) it hasn't been cutting it. I thought it was just pregnancy brain, but today I had two cups and feel like a new person. Getting all my work done AND with extra time for the bump :) anyways, I'm wondering if other ladies have been comfortable with two cups or didn't change old caffeine habits. I think technically this puts me above the recommended amount. It doesn't bother me but don't want to be doing something stupid or being too relaxed (which i define as doing things that most other informed pregnant women don't do!). I'm 16 weeks now. 
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Ezra Estlin 5/5/10 BabyFruit Ticker
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