3rd Trimester

Maternity leave!!

Im due in less than 4 weeks, and i am struggling to decide on the actual date to start my leave. im due April 8th, i had orginally planned on taking my leave starting march 31st- incase my daughter wants to come early and also for me to finish preparing for her. But going to classes at my delivery hospital they said tat first time moms usually dont have their baby till week 41. Hence my delimia!! my work will only give me 6 weeks- and im afraid that if i take it too early ill miss out on recovery and bonding. My doctors at every appointment say that baby and I are right on track. Would starting my leave on April 5th- be cutting it too close? Or would that be the ideal time to take it? With this being my first, i ask a mllion questions! i just unsure and my doctors wern't any help with the dates of my leave- they said to leave it how i was feeling around that time. But work needs to know soon!
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