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At-home dads: Tell me about your tv/computer use

My hubby is a SAHD and I think he spends too much time watching tv and surfing the interwebs, when he could otherwise be engaged with our almost-3-year-old son.  Example, he'll watch a show on the computer in the kitchen while he does the dishes and makes breakfast while our son watches something on netflix in the other room or plays by himself.  Or when they sit down to eat breakfast or lunch together, they sit on the couch and our son watches something on netflix while my husband does stuff on the computer.  I feel like at those times, he could be talking with him, letting him help, teaching him, something.  I feel like if he were to add up all the time he spends watching tv or surfing the net, it would add up to several hours each day.  He also has 2-3 hours to himself most days while our son naps.  But I also know I don't see everything, and it's all-consuming being responsible for a tiny human all day.  Not trying to say he isn't doing a good job with our son, but I just wonder if our son is getting everything he should be out of being at home.

So I'm curious, if you stay at home with your kid(s), how much time do you spend entertaining yourself while the kids are around, and what are they doing while you are otherwise engaged?

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