August 2013 Moms


Hi ladies, I just want to share my story in hopes that someone else has a similiar experience and can share. I went for a normal appt today and we went to listen to the hb which is of course my favorite part and it sounded very irregular. When it would beat it was very strong but then there was a pause and it kept happening. So of course I lost it in the office and I have had a two day migraine so I am overly emotional. Well now they are sending me for a special ultrasound and a fetal echo but not for 5 more weeks. I dont know how I am gonna wait that long. I will be 16 weeks on wed but they want to wait till the baby is bigger so they can see more. So all in all its been a crappy day and I can't stop crying amd my head is killing me. Sorry this is so long but I appreciate it if u made it through.
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