August 2013 Moms

Update: Scared...

Hi Ladies,

First of all thank you so much for the T&P and kind words!

i spent all day yesterday on bed rest and went to the doc today. The bleeding appeared to have stopped by this morning. I heard my little ones heartbeat and it was good at 150. I had a pelvic exam and my cervix looked perfect. So polyps was ruled out. My OB also confirmed the bleeding had stopped at my appt. 

I was sent for an ultrasound and everything seemed normal there too!  I do have an anterior placenta which explains why I haven't felt baby yet.

So long story short everything is good and it was just one of those mysterious cases of bleeding after sex that can't be explained.

I have been put on pelvic rest to be on the safe side so no sex until I can be reevaluated at my next appt in April.

All in all a good end to a stressful day yesterday.  

Thanks again for all your support!   

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