Food & Nutrition

Who I am is the food I eat!

First, I raise my glass to the new Food Board! Drinks

Hello all!

I wanted to post a brief introduction as I know I will be posting frequently. I feel deeply about the food I eat, the food I feed my family, and the food and experiences of those that come into my home. I only want to best of the best for all.

That said, my love of food and entertaining is rooted in my Spanish culture, but has grown as I have gone to college and become a mother.

It has become a part of my daily thinking of how the food we eat is made, packed, delivered, priced, and sold ( I owe this to a professor I had that was quite biased of local food and health in general). Having this information has made grocery shopping quite the task for me! I do not always buy local, but I do try. Costco is the meca to my beca Wink

My DS is almost 18 months, and how amazing it has been to watch him grow every day because of the nutrients I feed him; 14 months of EBFing, homemade purees, our version of MLWing, and now eats like a champ! Well, I take that back! Breakfast and lunch he is a hungry man! Dinner? Meh--it is hit or miss these days.

Ultimately I am an energetic mommy  and wife who believes who I am is the food I eat! It is my goal to create experiences for my DS so he will have a life full of memories, laughter, and do it within a healthy mind a body. 


One of my new favorite things to do for him is create pictures out of his meals! I believe it is a form of character bento (Kyaraben); I am not into buying all of the accessories just yet! In time I am sure I will want all of the bells and whistles! For now, it is a way to make sure I follow the rainbow rule and feeding him what he needs.

I look forward to making bumpie-foodie friends and learn from all of you!


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